Cheap Blinds - you know you want 'em

There's two kinds of people who search for cheap blinds - those who feel cheap blinds means getting a massive bargain and those who want them to just do their job for minimum cash.

We'll sort it out.

Cheap Blinds Features

Features are one of the main drivers of cost, along with materials and installation, for having blinds in your home or business.  If you're looking for cheap blinds, the features will be simple.  This isn't usually a big deal, because most people only look for the basic features anyway.

Lift and Tilt

By using the default of a lift on the right and the wand on the left, blind controls are less expensive.  Here's a screenshot from the Quick View (easy shopping) screen at, showing the simplicity of the lift options:

What you don't see is cordless, or top-down, bottom-up.  This is another feature available elsewhere on the site, but not in the bargain/inexpensive section.  It's a great feature, but it's a bit more cost and this site's focus is cheap!

That's it - the simplicity of fewer options makes the cost lower and the process easy.