What you'll need:
Time: You'll need about 10-20 minutes for most blinds; this will get faster as you go
Daylight: Having a clean, brightly lit workspace is worth the time. Work in the daytime if possible.
Tools: You'll need a pencil or felt-tip pen, drill with drill bit, screwdriver or power driver (or drill)
Cheap Blind Installation
The basic steps are below. These are very detailed steps, so don't worry that there are a lot, you'll breeze through. Cheap blind installation means you're not paying someone else, it doesn't mean a poor job!
(Secret step: Take a before picture so you can show it off on your Facebook page. If you do before and after pictures, *please* send us a copy at cheapblindsforyou@gmail.com!)
1. Read the instructions. The simpler things are, the more important it is to say this because people tend to skip it. Yes, it's a fairly easy project, but yes, read the instructions! (Real men read instructions)
2. Lay out the parts. Take the brackets out of the plastic bags, and lay them out to visualize where they go. Cheap blind installation is much more satisfying if you avoid mistakes! Don't worry, it's easy.
3. See it all put together. Hold the brackets up to the (headrail) so that you can clearly see how they work together. Make sure this makes sense to you. When a rare, fixable mistake does happen, it's usually an experienced handyperson working too fast and not a rookie installer. See #1.
4. Position the brackets where they go and mark the area where the screws will go into the window frame.
5. Move the brackets away and repeat #4. Sounds silly, but do it. Things should line up the same way the second time. If not, it should be obvious which mark is clear. If it's not, step back from the window and 'see' it all together again. Don't be intimidated by the idea that step 4 is repeated. Double checking is just good practice for everybody.
6. Lay out a napkin or wrap on the window sill and the floor near the window to catch the drywall dust from drilling. You'll be drilling drywall and wood, and the drywall will come out at small chunks and powder and will drift. This makes cleanup easier later. If you're really fastidious, you'll want to take the napkin or wrap to the window or wall to ensure no dust gets in between the rag and the window or the rag and the wall. This is where doing a cheap blind installation becomes really satisfying, because a hired installer probably would just leave you with a pile of very fine dust to vacuum up.
7. With the bracket away and safety glasses on, drill the pilot hole (the hole that the screw will go into). The reason for putting the bracket away is to have your hands free and the reason for the glasses is obvious - except for the fact that your eyes may literally be under the hole or there might be wind if the window is open!
8. After the holes are drilled, (following the more detailed instructions), you'll put the first screw through bracket and screw it in with the screwdriver or power driver. If you're using a power driver for the first time, go slowly and just allow the screw to become snug enough that it won't rattle or twist easily. Check this after the first screw, because it won't twist no matter what after 2 or more screws.
9. Pop that headrail in and you're done. Nice job amigo. (Now it's time for that 'after' picture for Facebook.) You're awesome. You just saved some money by doing your own cheap blind installation, take yourself out for dinner!
Blind Installation video available at blindsgalore.com.